Small business cashflow
The last 2 years have highlighted major issues for small businesses and cash flow is one on top of the list.
Small businesses have been plagued by closures and staff absenteeism due to Covid. This can account for why some businesses’ cash flow is facing an uphill battle in recovery. But there is also a fundament lack of planning by some small businesses. Not knowing where you going is like a hose that you turn on it flicks and turns and you have no control.
Cash flow when it trickles it is painful!
Typically when cash flow impacts things blow out. Our friendly ATO becomes the bank of last resort. Changes in Debt reporting on CRA reports of tax debt may make it harder for some small businesses to recover. It’s a tool the ATO now can use to be recognised as a Creditor in the public domain like any other supplier. Don’t ignore the ATO as they won’t don’t like taxpayers that don’t engage with them. Better to open up to them about your situation than ignore them and shovel your way out of a hole later on.
Nether the less positive cash flow is an opportunity that every business can undertake.
Don’t be like an emu with its head in the sand. Take a positive stand. Start with predicting when the cash will come in. Fundamentally 80% of the hard work is done if you know that the cash is coming in the door. Struggling to predict cash in the door . Start with Sales Budget . Look at last year’s monthly turnover and then replicate that into the coming year. Then don’t forget to invoice your customer. It’s surprising how many people forget or delay the invoicing process
Slash costs but make sure it is for the right reason
When it comes to costs, slash where appropriate but don’t slash costs that are fundamental to the business or costs that help you make money. As a small business accountant Gartly Advisory can help you.
When you’ve worked out your budget put it straight into your cloud software and each month see if the actuals are close to or better than what you predicted. So when the cash starts rolling in remember the golden goose 10% for the ATO, 10% for investment and 10% for you.