How to Enhance your business Value before Selling: The Ultimate Checklist

By |2024-10-30T21:17:44+11:0030/10/2024|Categories: Blog, Business growth, Exit Planning|

Business owners who enhance your business value before selling put themself in the optimised position for success . But they also face their most significant financial decisions of their business career before going to market for sale. we know that a well-prepared business can sell for 3-5 times more value than one rushed to market. A complete selling checklist helps owners maximise their business value and attract qualified buyers. The more time you spend enhancing your business value the better result you will get. Business owners can learn valuable steps to boost their business value before selling or putting their [...] READ MORE

Early access to smsf superannuation when facing business stress

By |2024-09-25T13:00:43+10:0024/09/2024|Categories: Blog, Exit Planning, Services accounting for small business, SMSF|Tags: , |

It might be tempting as a business owner to take early access to smsf and superannuation.  As the economy gets tough for many small business owners, keeping the doors open can feel like a tightrope between survival and financial disaster. With this in mind business owners who also run their own SMSF are faced with these pressures, and it's tempting to access these funds. This may lead some to consider early access to smsf superannuation using the benefits of their Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) to keep their small business going.However, before considering this, you must grasp the serious legal and [...] READ MORE

Selling my commercial business property!

By |2024-02-12T16:09:36+11:0010/01/2024|Categories: Blog, Exit Planning, Services accounting for small business, SMSF|Tags: , , |

How do I sell my commercial business property? When selling your business, your business operations and HQ are an essential and strategic part of your business. Most businesses operate from a premise of some sort, so when it comes to exit planning, your decisions on what to do with your business premises is equally important as one of the essential items that require serious discussion and planning. When it comes to planning, the first thing to do is to review how and what you use your office, factory shop, etc., as part of the business on a day-to-day basis. For [...] READ MORE

Are you being forced out of your business by an aggressive business partner?

By |2024-02-12T16:57:29+11:0022/11/2023|Categories: Blog, Dispute management, Exit Planning|

Are you feeling trapped and forced out of your business by an aggressive business partner making your life hell?This situation can be incredibly stressful, leaving you powerless and questioning your dreams, motivation and aspirations. But fear not because help is here.Let’s explore the common signs and tactics that aggressive business partners use to push their partners out and strategies to regain control and protect your interests.Being forced out of your business is a nightmare and unacceptable. The good thing is you don't have to face it alone. The first step is to recognise that your partner is becoming aggressive and [...] READ MORE

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