SMSF for Property development ventures and your SMSF

By |2024-02-13T17:31:03+11:0030/01/2024|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning, SMSF|Tags: , |

SMSF for Property development undertaken by an SMSF can be undertaken. We however strongly recommend seeking advice.ATO has issued a warning about relates to the use of SMSFs to invest in property development in a manner that inflates the profits earned by the SMFSs when compared to the capital the SMSF commits to the venture. Can my SMSF invest in a property development? An SMSF can as part of its investment strategy invest in property ventures. This is provided the investments are entered into on a genuine arm’s-length basis. As trustees, you should document your strategy including a risk analysis [...] READ MORE

Gifting assets to a family trust

By |2024-09-27T15:08:02+10:0030/01/2024|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning, Taxation|Tags: , , |

Gifting Assets to your Family Trust or transferring property to a trust protects your investments and assets by placing them in a Trust Environment! Let's explore why you would transfer a property into a Trust or just give money to your Trust! There are many opportunities for this. For a start a Family Trust is great for tax planning. Many of us establish a Family Trust for asset protection and to ensure our assets are correctly passed on to the next generation. Your Family Trust should be the hub of your investments allowing for flexibility and control of your family [...] READ MORE

Selling my commercial business property!

By |2024-02-12T16:09:36+11:0010/01/2024|Categories: Blog, Exit Planning, Services accounting for small business, SMSF|Tags: , , |

How do I sell my commercial business property? When selling your business, your business operations and HQ are an essential and strategic part of your business. Most businesses operate from a premise of some sort, so when it comes to exit planning, your decisions on what to do with your business premises is equally important as one of the essential items that require serious discussion and planning. When it comes to planning, the first thing to do is to review how and what you use your office, factory shop, etc., as part of the business on a day-to-day basis. For [...] READ MORE

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