
May 2024

Rapid business growth

The Pains of Rapid Business Growth

Here is a problem most business owners would love to have! Imagine facing the prospect of your business growing too quickly, making you almost unable to keep up with the pressure of customer demand.

Perhaps you have envisioned expanding to another location. You may also consider expanding interstate, increasing staff, or moving into a larger premises or factory.

Is this a good situation to have or not? Good growth vs. Bad Growth needs to be identified and managed. Many small business owners fail to realise that rapid business growth can result in specific dangers and potential liabilities that might capsize their company’s plans and growth. Expansion requires a robust strategy, cash flows, and what-if scenarios.

There are potential risks associated with business overgrowth that you, as the business owner, need to know the warning signs. Good growth is achieved by managing growth and knowing the warning signs. Let’s explore possible speed humps!

Business growth takes money, and working capital is relatively low during the early stages of development. Small business owners can start with a massive debt to feed their growth machine, and thus, here begins the vicious debt cycle. For some businesses, debt increases rapidly with growth and can eventually cripple their business.

After depleting your working capital, the next logical step would be to apply for another loan. While your revenue may seem to be growing, so will your debt. Manage the debt and ensure your business can manage the loan repayments.

Watching the sales come in may thrill you with the growing demand for your product or service. However, you have to ensure you can meet your customers’ requirements. In the face of rapid business growth, you are constantly challenged to maintain the quality of your service versus the increasing quantity.

In keeping up with growth, business owners are tempted to explore and venture into other sales areas. It is challenging to resist the temptation of new opportunities and larger contracts, distributions and bigger opportunities. However, if you stray too far from your primary business model, your business could falter. As they often say, stick to your lane. While trying to succeed in another unchartered area of your business, your original business model and earlier client base may take a backseat. Often, looking at the existing base might be best to ensure the opportunities have been exploited.

As your business experiences rapid growth, sometimes employees are not ready for development, both in skill level and capacity, leaving you in a challenging position. Your employees need to grow with the company, but giving them more significant responsibilities when they are not ready may be a recipe for failure. Chances are, you might lose some of your employees.

When the demand for your business increases, you may find that your profits are diminishing. This is because the costs of meeting this increasing demand will begin to outpace your business’ cash flow. You realise that you must pay for overtime for the extra hours your employees agree to work or ensure you have a larger inventory and incur substantial holding costs. Holding costs for stock can eat into working capital.

Turn Your Small Business Goals & Dreams into Achievements!

To make small business Goals, Write them down and make them happen.

Are you a small business owner with big aspirations? I am, too, but when I set my business goals, they were so secret that I couldn’t remember them. Sharing your goals can only happen if they go from head to paper.

It’s time to step beyond daydreaming and take decisive action. By writing down your goals and committing to a clear plan, you’re not just setting a course for your business but taking control of its destiny. This act of empowerment can transform your business from surviving to thriving. Here’s how to cut through procrastination and plan strategically for success.
Goals need a purpose; for some, as retirement is approaching, they should include goals related to exit planning, beaches, and golf.

For small business owners, every day is filled with demands. Regarding strategic planning, it’s easy to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” But procrastination is the silent killer of progress. Writing down your goals does more than commit them to memory—it commits them to reality. Set clear, actionable objectives with defined timelines and watch your daily decisions align more closely with your long-term aspirations.

Navigating the complexities of a small business can be daunting, but you don’t have to go it alone. Establishing a relationship with an accountability partner like a coach or mentor can dramatically increase your chances of success. They’ll help keep you focused, track your progress, and ensure your business meets and exceeds its goals. This support system provides guidance and instils motivation and determination, pushing you to move forward.

Planning your exit strategy early and realising that everything has an expiration date are part of the goals setting for small business.

Thinking about an exit strategy early in your business journey might seem premature, but it’s vital to your overall strategic plan. Planning for an exit three years down the line gives you a clear timeframe to boost the value of your business, streamline operations, and ensure you can leave (or sell) on your terms. This foresight prepares you for the future and brings a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing you’re ready for whatever comes your way.

A procrastinator would say a long time, but it’s really 12 months for some action. In reality, the best timeframe for setting goals—whether 60 days, 90 days, or a year—depends largely on the nature of the goals, the specific context of the business or personal objectives, and how the milestones are structured within that period.
So, in setting goals, consider this:

These short-term goals are useful for very focused, specific achievements that contribute to larger objectives. This timeframe is ideal for tasks that require quick results or when starting new initiatives that need to gain momentum quickly. Sixty-day goals encourage rapid progress and frequent reassessment, making them ideal for responsive and agile environments where conditions change quickly.

Often referred to as quarterly goals, 90 days is a popular timeframe for businesses and individuals because it balances the urgency of short-term goals with the foresight of longer-term planning. This period allows enough time to see significant progress on somewhat complex projects without losing the momentum that can dissipate with longer timelines. It’s also a practical period for iterating on feedback and adjusting strategies.

Setting goals for a year is common for strategic planning because it aligns with financial and business cycles. Annual goals are suitable for more significant, ambitious projects requiring a longer runway. This timeframe allows for the deployment of substantial resources and the alignment of multiple smaller projects under a larger umbrella, providing a clear vision of where you want to be at year’s end. It also matches the evaluation periods of most businesses and personal planning cycles.

• Complexity and Scope: If your goal is complex and requires coordinating many moving parts, longer timeframes might be necessary. Simpler, more direct tasks might be effectively accomplished in shorter periods.
• Urgency and Priority: How critical is the goal? If it’s highly urgent, shorter timeframes can create the necessary focus and intensity needed to drive actions.
• Feedback and Adjustments: If your project or goal benefits from iterative feedback, shorter cycles like 60 or 90 days could be beneficial as they allow for quick adjustments based on what is or isn’t working.
• Resource Availability: Consider your available resources, including time, money, and personnel. Some goals might require extensive resources that are only feasible over a longer period.
Ultimately, the best timeframe for your goals will depend on balancing these factors with your specific circumstances and end objectives. Often, using a combination of all three—setting immediate, short-term goals within longer, strategic plans—can provide both the motivation of quick wins and the guidance of steady, long-term vision.

I like to escape and think about my small business goals. A coffee and a notepad are all I need. Amazingly, I have set goals in various forms, from a vision board to a set of goals in categories. And you know, I can say I have achieved many of them every time.

Like any small businessperson, getting money in the door is the oil that oils the wheels of your business. So, your small business goals should be macro and broad and include a goal for achieving a revenue target.

Can you get through your business journey without goals? Of course, and by a stroke of luck, you might do okay. But those who commit to achieving are the lucky ones who reach the finish line with the amazing inner glow of what they have achieved.

Embarking on a business journey without specific goals might work out fine, and sometimes luck might even swing your way! However, those with a dedicated commitment to their objectives not only cross the finish line but do so with a radiant sense of accomplishment and a brilliant inner glow from what they’ve achieved.

May 2024 Tax planning Newsletter

Click here to download our Tax Planning Newsletter

We hope this edition provides you with valuable insights and practical advice for tax saving strategies as the 2024 financial year comes to a close.

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

tax planning 2024

2024 tax planning questions frequently asked

What are the changes in Australian tax rates for the year 2024?

In 2024, the Australian Government will implement legislated tax cuts to ease the cost of living for taxpayers. Starting from July 1, 2024, these cuts will lower the 19% tax rate to 16% and the 32.5% tax rate to 30%, affecting all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers.

What are the key strategies for effective tax minimization?

Effective tax planning involves understanding and meeting compliance requirements while employing strategies to reduce tax liabilities. Geoff can advise individual taxpayers and businesses in various structures, such as sole traders, partnerships, trusts, and small companies, on operating efficiently for tax purposes. Choosing the right structure , tax planning it all helps in wealth creation.

Are Australian retirees required to pay capital gains tax?

Yes, retirees in Australia must pay capital gains tax (CGT). There is no exemption based on age that frees seniors from the obligation to pay CGT. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) considers capital gains as part of an individual’s total taxable income, regardless of their age. Note that no contributions can be utilised without meeting the tests post-age 65.

How can high-income earners in Australia reduce their taxes?

High-income earners in Australia can employ several strategies to lower their annual tax bills. These include making contributions to superannuation, using trusts, engaging in debt recycling, claiming franking credits, utilizing negative gearing, and accounting for depreciation. Additionally, participating in employee share schemes can be an effective form of remuneration that may offer tax advantages.

When does the end of Temporary Reductions and Event-Based Reporting?

The temporary reduction in superannuation minimum drawdown rates is concluding, and SMSFs must now adhere to event-based reporting requirements.

What is the Contribution Cap 2024?

The concessional contribution cap is set at $27,500 for the fiscal year, while the non-concessional cap stands at $110,000. These are going to increase to $30,000 concessional in 2025. Looks at brought forward provisions may apply if you have less than $500k in super in the year you are considering contributing.