
tax planning 2024

2024 tax planning questions frequently asked

What are the changes in Australian tax rates for the year 2024?

In 2024, the Australian Government will implement legislated tax cuts to ease the cost of living for taxpayers. Starting from July 1, 2024, these cuts will lower the 19% tax rate to 16% and the 32.5% tax rate to 30%, affecting all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers.

What are the key strategies for effective tax minimization?

Effective tax planning involves understanding and meeting compliance requirements while employing strategies to reduce tax liabilities. Geoff can advise individual taxpayers and businesses in various structures, such as sole traders, partnerships, trusts, and small companies, on operating efficiently for tax purposes. Choosing the right structure , tax planning it all helps in wealth creation.

Are Australian retirees required to pay capital gains tax?

Yes, retirees in Australia must pay capital gains tax (CGT). There is no exemption based on age that frees seniors from the obligation to pay CGT. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) considers capital gains as part of an individual’s total taxable income, regardless of their age. Note that no contributions can be utilised without meeting the tests post-age 65.

How can high-income earners in Australia reduce their taxes?

High-income earners in Australia can employ several strategies to lower their annual tax bills. These include making contributions to superannuation, using trusts, engaging in debt recycling, claiming franking credits, utilizing negative gearing, and accounting for depreciation. Additionally, participating in employee share schemes can be an effective form of remuneration that may offer tax advantages.

When does the end of Temporary Reductions and Event-Based Reporting?

The temporary reduction in superannuation minimum drawdown rates is concluding, and SMSFs must now adhere to event-based reporting requirements.

What is the Contribution Cap 2024?

The concessional contribution cap is set at $27,500 for the fiscal year, while the non-concessional cap stands at $110,000. These are going to increase to $30,000 concessional in 2025. Looks at brought forward provisions may apply if you have less than $500k in super in the year you are considering contributing.

smsf trustee succession plan

Do I need an SMSF Trustee succession plan?

Creating a robust SMSF trustee succession plan is critical for Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) managed by aging trustees.
An effective succession plan ensures the smooth transition of control and management of the SMSF when the original trustees are no longer able or willing to manage the fund due to age, health, or other reasons. A trustee succession plan must encompass preparation, clear communication, and legal compliance.

Understanding SMSF Trustee Succession

SMSF trustee succession plan involves preparing for the future management of the SMSF, ensuring it continues to operate effectively and complies with Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act) requirements. Remember to check that your new Trustee appointment is suitable and not a disqualified person to act as an SMSF Trustee.

Looking after you and your SMSF. It’s about safeguarding the fund’s assets and the beneficiaries’ interests, ensuring that the transition of trusteeship does not negatively impact the fund’s performance or compliance status.

Start planning early. It can sometimes be a difficult decision or discussion, but dealing with dignity can mean no surprises. Don’t wait for health issues or other urgent matters to force a quick decision. Early planning allows for a thoughtful, strategic approach to selecting and preparing the next generation of trustees.

It also may mean reviewing the asset composition of the fund. This may result in uncomplicating the Funds strategy or selling down investments that require the Trustee’s time and experience to manage. Consult a Financial Planner if you require assistance in this area.

Consider potential successors’ capabilities, willingness to take on the responsibility, and their alignment with the fund’s goals. Successors can be family members, friends, or professional trustees. Discussing the responsibilities and expectations with potential successors is crucial to ensure they are prepared and willing to take on the role.

Check your Fund’s Trust Deed. You may need to update it to include provisions for the succession process. Consult with legal professionals to ensure the plan is legally sound and not inadvertently compromise the fund’s compliance status.
Documentation and Communication of your Trustee strategy

Document the succession plan clearly, including the roles, responsibilities, and process for transitioning trustees. Communicate the plan to all relevant parties, including current trustees, successors, and professional advisors such as your Accountant.

Keep your potential Trustees in the loop. This may either be by making them Trustees early or by keeping them informed annually with the audited financial statements.

As a trustee of an SMSF, your primary responsibility is to manage the fund prudently. Therefore you cannot receive compensation from the SMSF for fulfilling your trustee obligations, such as overseeing investments, administration, and compliance.

Review and update the succession plan regularly to reflect changes in the fund’s circumstances, membership, or legislation. This ensures the plan remains relevant and effectively safeguards the SMSF’s future.

A well-crafted trustee succession plan is essential for an SMSF’s long-term success and stability, particularly when managed by aging trustees. By taking a proactive approach to succession planning, SMSF trustees can ensure a seamless transition that protects the fund’s assets and the financial security of its members.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure the SMSF continues to meet its members’ retirement goals, regardless of changes in its management. When it comes to Estate planning, peace of mind is thinking outside the unexpected and dealing with sometimes hard and awkward what-if scenarios.

Superannuation caps 2024

Super Contribution Caps 2024-2025

The government has just announced that from 1 July 2024 the standard concessional contribution cap will increase from $27,500 to $30,000

The non-concessional contribution cap which we calculate as four times the standard concessional contribution cap will also increase from $110,000 to $120,000.

This will also bring about a higher non-concessional bring forward cap of $360,000 if triggered in the 2024/25 year onwards.

We encourage our clients to continually review their superannuation plan. In many cases superannuation is an effective strategy moving forward as you are nearing retirement . Please contact us if we can assist you in this area

SMSF for Property development ventures and your SMSF

SMSF for Property development undertaken by an SMSF can be undertaken. We however strongly recommend seeking advice.
ATO has issued a warning about relates to the use of SMSFs to invest in property development in a manner that inflates the profits earned by the SMFSs when compared to the capital the SMSF commits to the venture.

An SMSF can as part of its investment strategy invest in property ventures. This is provided the investments are entered into on a genuine arm’s-length basis. As trustees, you should document your strategy including a risk analysis of the project.

If investments are entered into with related parties, even though on an arm’s-length basis, care still needs to be taken. Keep reading to understand what you should do!

A scheme that was identified by the ATO, an arm’s length third party contracts with a company related to SMSFs to build several units or apartments ie a property development. Those who control the SMSFs provide services to the company (which they control) and charge low fees to that company. Also, loan capital is provided to the development company at a low or no interest rate.

In this scheme, the development company earns inflated profits. These profits (after the company pays tax on the profits) are then paid as fully franked dividends up a chain of companies to the SMSFs.

The development company in this case will have paid tax at a rate of 30% on the profits earned. When the profits reach the SMSF as fully franked dividends, the tax paid by the company is refunded to the extent of the SMSF only paying 15% of the profits. Hence reduced tax liability

The ATO would state that this means the SMSF contravenes the superannuation and tax laws. Furthermore, this is because the SMSF is earning “non-arms length income” (NALI). NALI earned by a superannuation fund is taxed at 45%. The SMSF may also be treated as a non-complying fund because it may have breached the “sole purpose” test. This means it will have lost all of its tax-concessional status.

Tips worth noting before using your SMSF for property development:

• Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBA): While SMSFs can borrow to invest under LRBAs, there are strict rules about borrowing, especially when it comes to property development.
• Personal Guarantees: Trustees should be cautious about providing personal guarantees for loans, as this can risk personal assets.

Building the development and Contractor Selection: Engaging contractors for property development must be done at arm’s length,. This means competitive pricing and no preferential treatment to related parties. The building also needs good Project Management: Trustees need to actively manage the project or engage professional project managers to ensure the development is completed on time and within budget.

• Capital Gains Tax (CGT): SMSFs can benefit from reduced CGT rates on investment properties held for more than 12 months.
• Income Tax: Rental income and any profits from the sale of developed property are subject to income tax at concessional rates within the SMSF.

Exit Strategy

While an exit strategy requires a sale of property Liquidity and Exit is important considerations. Before embarking on a property development venture, consider how the SMSF will exit the investment. Property can be difficult to sell quickly, which may impact the fund’s liquidity. Especially if the member is of old age or needs to fund a pension

business real property

Selling my commercial business property!

How do I sell my commercial business property? When selling your business, your business operations and HQ are an essential and strategic part of your business.

Most businesses operate from a premise of some sort, so when it comes to exit planning, your decisions on what to do with your business premises is equally important as one of the essential items that require serious discussion and planning.

When it comes to planning, the first thing to do is to review how and what you use your office, factory shop, etc., as part of the business on a day-to-day basis. For that reason, the location may be the reason for the business’s success,. Coupled with the possibility that the business building and surrounds such as a hotel, fun park or caravan park may be the selling point. The business HQ property may also have been purpose-built, and your business sale value may be exploited if the business and property are sold as one package.

Further your business may have multiple premises to consider, which factor into the strategy along with what can be sold, consolidated, and required moving forward.

Strategic Review of the Business, how it operates and where

As part of the exit strategy, take a moment to review the business. In short look at the location it operates to help you work through your exit planning:

  • Will, upon exiting or selling, the business be relocated?
  • If the business is to be sold separately from the property, how does this affect the business disruption?
  • CGT issues?
  • Will the owner wish to sell or retain the property for the next generation, and how will this take place?
  • Are there other uses for the property, e.g., development or retirement?
  • If the business operates from home, consider whether this is the right location for selling the business.
  • What are his wishes for the family and passing the property on to the next generation?

Is your property ready for Sale?

The owner needs to review the property to ensure it is in a sellable state. Take a moment and look at:

  • Access and potential change of Council Zoning. What points of access are there in and out of the property?
  • Fire safety:  Does the property comply with fire safety and other emergency safety factors?
  • Security:  Is the property safe and secure?
  • Surfaces:  Do they feature lead paint and dust? Are the floors slippery, OHS?
  • Hazardous materials and toxins:  Does the building present any dangers associated with asbestos used in its construction?
  • Old fuel tanks and other old substances – Banks hate these when it comes to financing
  • Installed plant and equipment:  Is the equipment, such as air conditioning systems, in good working order and maintained?
  • Lighting: Is the property well-lit for the purpose you intend to use it?
  • Air quality: Is the building adequately ventilated?
  • Is your property have sentimental memories? Will this influence you and should be considered as being held for the next generation

Consider all options!

There are some options to consider when it comes to your business real estate you own. These can be classified as follows:

  • Keep the property and treat it as a long-term investment
  • Transfer to SMSF
  • Sell with business
  • Sell the property separately from the business
  • Relocate the business and develop the property before selling the business
  • Leave to next-generation – family farm
  • Sale-leaseback arrangement

Sell or keep your freehold property

Let’s first look at why you may not sell the freehold property and choose to keep it and sell only the business:

  • It might be too hard to consider – too much work
  • The passing of the land onto family – save for subsequent generations, so needs to be kept
  • The property value may exclude or reduce the number of  potential interested  buyers if the property is sold with the business
  • You may start another business on the property
  • It is better sold as a development opportunity
  • Maybe a good long-term investment
  • Strategy – especially for hotels etc., where you may wish to sell the business but take back long-term for a family
  • Your real property may have been used to guarantee a business loan, i. Selling the property may impact another loan security used in another part of the business that is not being sold.
  • The business may have multiple uses, or some businesses may work on the same premises.

Why you may consider selling the best option!

Opposite to the above, here are some valid reasons why you would sell the property at the time of selling the business:

  • Some businesses need specialised buildings and assets from which to conduct their operations. Therefore, you may have the opportunity to sell the property to a buyer who appreciates the attributes of the building.
  • When deciding to sell the business,  will the purchaser of your business wish to relocate it to another location and may leave you with an unwanted property in the future
  •  Investors avoid investing in highly specialised assets like laboratories or dedicated production facilities. The primary risk for investors is the use of the building should the tenant company, the buyer of the business, default or not renew at the end of the lease period.
  • If your business is specific, it would most likely be best sold with the business for the buyer to have business certainty.
  • Time to reassess the financial plan for retirement
  • Issues of maintenance that will require significant capital moving forward.

Whatever you intend to do, take time to make sure the structure you have chosen to hold the business vs the property works for you from a tax and estate planning perspective.

Reduce the CGT pain – use the tax concessions available for small businesses and the sale of your business commercial property:

  • General 50% discount but not for Companies and reduced for SMSF
  • 15-year exemption: If your business has owned the premises for 15 years and you are 55 or over, retiring, or permanently incapacitated, you will not have an assessable capital gain when you sell.
  • If you have held the property for less than 15 years – it must be held for 7.5 years
  • 50% active asset reduction:  You can reduce the capital gain on your premises by 50%.
  • Retirement exemption:  Capital gains from the sale of your premises are exempt up to a lifetime limit of $500,000. If you are under 55, the exempt amount must be paid into a complying superannuation fund or retirement savings account.
  • Rollover: You can defer your capital gain from the sale of the business until another event happens that crystallises the gain. For example, suppose you sell your existing business premises and buy different premises for your business within a specified period. In that case, you can defer your capital gain until the new premises is sold down the track.

Traps when utilising the CGT concessions.

It is crucial to check that assets, such as the business real property owned by the taxpayer, have been held by a ‘connected entity’ for at least half the business ownership period (or 7.5 years).

Where the necessary level of ‘connection’ does not exist, it may be possible to implement a restructuring without material cost to ensure that the entities are ‘connected. ‘

Selling your business property: do you meet the definition of an Active Asset?

Where there is a question of whether the amount paid constitutes “rent”, a pivotal factor to consider is whether the occupier has a right to “exclusive possession” of the property. The payments will likely be classified as rent if such a right exists.  – means no active asset!

If the arrangement allows the occupier only to enter and use the premises for specific purposes and does not amount to a lease granting exclusive possession, the payments are unlikely to be rent.

In summary

  • Exit planning requires advisors to review all aspects of the business operations, and the business location and premises impact the pathway chosen to obtain the best result for your client.
  • Don’t ignore the legal implications of the property regarding lease and ownership.
  • Think of generational ownership issues and how they may impact
  • Look at specific property types and intrinsic matters
  • If you ask a purchaser to relocate the business away from the present location – think about how and the implications for the business sale and ongoing stability. Also, the cost of relocation
  • Plan the Tax, GST and stamp duty implications of the decision
  • Don’t leave the planning too late

Of course, planning for any business should be part of every person’s business exit plan. Please note this is general advice. We welcome you to book a time to discuss your affairs and help you plan for a wealthy retirement.

Understanding Superannuation Death Benefits

Superannuation Death benefits are an estate planning matter that is a crucial aspect of financial planning.
It is essential to consider what happens to superannuation upon death.
Understanding the intricate system of superannuation death benefits is essential for effective financial planning and ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of.

When a superannuation member dies, the remaining balance in their super fund and any associated insurance payouts are generally paid out as a superannuation death benefit. This benefit is intended to provide financial support to the deceased member’s beneficiaries, including their spouse or partner, children, or other dependents.

However, the distribution of these benefits is subject to various regulations and considerations, making it a complex area of financial management.
It’s important to note that superannuation death benefits are not automatically distributed according to a will.Firt thing to remember is that super funds typically provide a set of criteria for determining who is eligible to receive the benefits.

In some cases, the Fund Trustee may have discretionary power to allocate the benefit to the most appropriate beneficiaries, considering the deceased member’s relationships and financial dependents.
This is an estate planning opportunity or danger for those operating an SMSF.

With this purpose in mind, everyone should familiarise themselves with superannuation death benefits rules and options. The result is to ensure that your wishes are carried out, and their loved ones are well provided. This involves nominating beneficiaries, understanding the tax implications, and integrating superannuation benefits into estate planning strategies.

Who Receives the Superannuation Death Benefit?

A superannuation death benefit distribution is typically prioritised according to specific rules and regulations. A death benefit is first paid to the deceased member’s dependents. These include their spouse or partner, children, and any individuals financially dependent on the dead at the time of their death. If there are no eligible dependents, the benefit may be paid to the deceased member’s estate.

It’s worth noting that the definition of dependents can vary between superannuation funds and may include both financial and interdependency criteria. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for ensuring the benefit is allocated appropriately and by the deceased member’s intentions. Furthermore, the rules governing who can receive a superannuation death benefit may change depending on the specific circumstances, such as the age and marital status of the deceased member.

In cases where the deceased member has not made a binding death benefit nomination, the fund trustee may exercise discretion in determining the benefit distribution. This underscores the importance of proactive planning and communication to ensure the benefit is directed to the intended beneficiaries. By understanding the eligibility criteria and potential beneficiaries, individuals can make informed decisions regarding the nomination of superannuation death benefit recipients.

Taxation of Superannuation Death Benefits

Taxing superannuation death benefits is a critical consideration that can significantly impact the ultimate value of the beneficiaries’ benefits. The tax treatment of these benefits is influenced by several factors, including the relationship of the beneficiary to the deceased member, the components of the superannuation benefit, and the age of the dead at the time of their passing.
Generally, superannuation death benefits paid to a deceased member’s dependents are tax-free.

This includes benefits paid to the deceased member’s spouse, children, and any individuals who were financially dependent on the deceased. However, the tax treatment may differ if the benefit is paid to a non-dependent, such as an adult child who was not financially dependent on the deceased.
In such cases, the tax payable on the superannuation death benefit is influenced by the components of the benefit, which typically include taxable and tax-free elements. The taxable component of the benefit is subject to tax at a beneficiary’s marginal tax rate, while the tax-free component is not subject to tax. Understanding these tax implications is crucial for both the deceased member and their beneficiaries, as it can inform decisions regarding the nomination of beneficiaries and the potential tax consequences of the benefit distribution.

Furthermore, individuals may explore strategies to minimise the tax impact of superannuation death benefits, such as utilising binding death benefit nominations or implementing effective estate planning measures. By considering the tax implications in advance, individuals can optimise the financial outcomes for their beneficiaries and minimise potential tax liabilities.

How to Nominate Beneficiaries for Your Superannuation

Nominating beneficiaries for your superannuation is a fundamental step in ensuring that your superannuation death benefit is distributed according to your wishes. Most superannuation funds offer members the option to make binding or non-binding death benefit nominations, providing a mechanism for specifying who should receive their superannuation benefit in the event of their death.

A binding death benefit nomination legally compels the superannuation fund trustee to distribute the benefit to the nominated beneficiaries, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. This nomination must be kept current and aligned with the fund’s requirements to remain valid. In contrast, a non-binding nomination serves as a guide for the trustee but does not impose a legal obligation to follow the member’s wishes.

Individuals need to review and update their death benefit nominations regularly, particularly in the event of significant life changes such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of children. By keeping these nominations current, individuals can ensure that their superannuation is directed to the intended recipients and aligns with their evolving family and financial circumstances.

Moreover, considering the potential tax implications of superannuation death benefits, individuals may seek professional advice to structure their nominations tax-efficiently and maximise the financial outcomes for their beneficiaries. By proactively nominating beneficiaries and staying informed about the nomination options available, individuals can exercise greater control over the fate of their superannuation benefits and provide for their loved ones according to their wishes.

Claiming the Superannuation Death Benefit

Once a superannuation account holder has passed away, claiming the superannuation death benefit begins.

This involves navigating the administrative procedures outlined by the relevant superannuation fund, which may include submitting necessary documentation and fulfilling specific requirements to facilitate the benefit payment.

Step one involves notifying the deceased member’s superannuation fund of their passing and initiating the process of claiming the death benefit. This may entail providing the fund with a certified copy of the deceased member’s death certificate and completing any required claim forms. Additionally, the fund may request information about the deceased member’s beneficiaries and their relationship to the deceased, mainly if a binding death benefit nomination is in place.

The beneficiaries must engage with the superannuation fund promptly and comply with any documentation requests to expedite the processing of the death benefit claim. Delays in the submission of required information or discrepancies in the provided details could prolong the benefit payment process, potentially impacting the financial stability of the deceased member’s dependents.

During this period, beneficiaries may also seek professional guidance to ensure they understand the steps in claiming the superannuation death benefit and are equipped to navigate any potential complexities. By actively participating in the claiming process and communicating effectively with the superannuation fund, beneficiaries can facilitate the efficient distribution of the benefit and mitigate any administrative hurdles.

Options for Receiving the Superannuation Death Benefit

Upon the approval and processing of a superannuation death benefit claim, beneficiaries are presented with several options for receiving the benefit. The payment method can significantly influence the tax treatment and long-term financial implications for the beneficiaries, making it a critical decision that warrants careful consideration.

One standard option is to receive the death benefit as a lump sum payment. This provides the beneficiaries immediate access to the total benefit amount, allowing them to utilise the funds according to their financial needs and priorities. However, it’s essential to recognise that receiving the benefit as a lump sum may result in tax implications, particularly for non-dependant beneficiaries and the taxable component of the benefit.

Alternatively, beneficiaries may opt to receive the superannuation death benefit as a pension or income stream, providing a regular and potentially tax-effective source of income over an extended period. This can be particularly advantageous for dependant beneficiaries who seek ongoing financial support and prefer to manage the benefit as a long-term income stream.

By evaluating the available options and their associated considerations, beneficiaries can make choices that align with their preferences.

Superannuation Death Benefit and Estate Planning

Integrating superannuation death benefits into estate planning is critical to comprehensive financial management. By strategically aligning superannuation benefits with estate planning strategies, individuals can exert greater control over the distribution of their assets and ensure that their loved ones are well provided for after their passing.

One key consideration in estate planning is the interaction between superannuation death benefits and your will. While superannuation benefits do not automatically form part of an individual’s estate, they can be directed to specific beneficiaries through binding death benefit nominations, bypassing the probate process and providing expedited access to the benefits.
Furthermore, individuals may explore the use of testamentary trusts to manage the distribution of their superannuation death benefits. Testamentary trusts can offer increased flexibility, asset protection, and potential tax advantages for the beneficiaries, making them a valuable tool in structuring the inheritance of superannuation benefits.

In addition, those with self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) may consider including a comprehensive succession plan within their fund’s trust deed.

Ultimately, by integrating superannuation death benefits into their broader estate planning framework, individuals can exert more significant influence over the allocation of their assets and provide their beneficiaries with a secure and efficient inheritance process.

Seeking Professional Advice on Superannuation and Death Benefits

In conclusion, the fate of superannuation after death is a crucial aspect of financial planning that warrants careful consideration and proactive management. Understanding the intricacies of superannuation death benefits, including the eligibility criteria, tax implications, and distribution options, is essential for ensuring that the benefits are directed to the intended recipients and aligned with the deceased member’s wishes.
Individuals should prioritise the nomination of beneficiaries for their superannuation, regularly review and update their nominations, and integrate superannuation benefits into their broader estate planning strategies. Seeking professional advice from financial advisors, estate planning experts, and taxation specialists can provide invaluable support in navigating the complexities of superannuation death benefits and optimising the economic outcomes for the beneficiaries.

By proactively engaging with these considerations and seeking professional guidance, individuals can secure the financial well-being of their loved ones and ensure that their superannuation benefits serve as a lasting and impactful legacy. Empowered with the knowledge and resources to navigate the labyrinth of superannuation after death, individuals can approach this critical aspect of financial planning with confidence and clarity, ultimately shaping a secure future for their be

Is an SMSF setup right for you?

Deciding to implement an SMSF setup is something that needs a plan if undertaken.We are observing that our clients are taking the opportunity to review their Superannuation and retirement goals, The markets are changing, and people are beginning to plan for their retirement strategy.

We are receiving several questions from clients asking whether, given the current market fluctuations of their investment in the superannuation, it is a great time to take charge of your own Superannuation. Some are evaluating if it is a great time to take control by setting up a new Self-Managed Superfund, commonly known as an SMSF.

Investment choices

Clients are considering a range of investments when it comes to their SMSF. These include commercial property, shares, and less conventional investments such as bitcoin as part of their investment strategy. Please do your research for your circumstances and ensure the appropriate Investment Strategy is documented for your Fund.

We can work through with you your strategy to purchase a residential property or commercial property within your SMSF. The key is understanding what restrictions are in place before starting this process.

There are several benefits to being your own Trustee of your SMSF. And hence the ability to run your own Fund. For example, as a Trustee, you can react and manage your superannuation savings. This is because you have greater control and flexibility over your investments. You can take a more hands-on approach to acquire or selling investments within your super fund. This includes responding quickly to opportunities to realign your investment portfolio as the market changes.

But you also need to be aware that being an SMSF comes with the fact that there’s more work for you as a trustee to manage your investments. In doing so, you must ensure you have the expertise and confidence to evaluate your investments. You also need to ensure your SMSF is following its investment strategy. We can certainly assist you here, but you must be prepared to keep records and understand that your SMSF investments are for retirement.

ASIC does not recommend setting up an SMSF with a small balance. Typically a fund should have a combined balance of $200,000 plus to be a viable Fund. You can combine your benefits with other family members, and please discuss with us if this is your option.

Not always easy to be a Trustee

Running an SMSF also takes time and effort. You must ensure that your super fund SMSF is managed properly and that you are achieving returns. As a Trustee, it is also essential to follow the rules there. There are there strict laws within the superfund environment that you, as a trustee, understand. We can help you here to make sure you keep on the right side of the Superannuation laws.

As an SMSF specialist advisor, we can help you to review whether a self-managed super fund is a suitable vehicle for you to establish. We welcome you to make time and discuss your needs in relation to your soft-managed super fund needs and your retirements.

Reach out and contact us:

Our latest PODCAST

For those who may have an SMSF borrowing, our latest podcast may be of interest to you. Join me as we discuss the current landscape for SMSF and borrowing

SMSF and commercial property

SMSF and commercial property is an investment often held by an SMSF and is a good strategy. Is holding your business premises, Factory or shop in an SMSF a good strategy?

Allowing your SMSF to hold your business real property is a fantastic opportunity for the small business owner to isolate its business asset from the main trading company. It also means you can become a long-term tenant of your SMSF.

There are some distinct advantages for both estate planning and long-term protection strategies of your asset in an SMSF. Any property strategy it must be done properly and there are a few items that you need to address before undertaking this measure in your self-managed fund.

SMSF advantages holding business real property

It is the only opportunity that you have under superannuation law to transfer a business real property from yourself into the Fund. Normally it is not possible to transfer property however your business premises is one exception.

Holding your business real property allows your super fund to grow organically and means that instead of paying rent to a landlord you are paying yourself via your SMSF and growing your retirement funds.

It’s a clever way to pay off your assets and at the end of the day when you retire you can then rent the property to others or have your family be part of your SMSF and they take over the asset
Before purchasing the property or transferring the property with a commercial property take time to work through your Funds investment strategy and how the asset will be acquired by your Fund.

How your Fund can acquire property:

Your fund can acquire the property in a number of ways and these include:
1. Establishing a borrowing in relation to the acquisition of the property however needs to be done in connection with using a bare trust arrangement it is essential that we need a separate bare trust from the SMSF assets If you’re borrowing to buy a commercial property, it needs to be under a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA). involved.

per the CPA – Borrowing – who can lend the SMSF the money?

There are no restrictions on who can provide the finance for the SMSF, meaning it could include any financial institution, a related entity or a member of the fund.
An LRBA is not a regulated financial product. However, as discussed earlier ASIC has stated that an adviser cannot recommend an SMSF trustee invest in property through their SMSF unless the adviser is appropriately licensed under the AFSL regime. Geoff Gartly has an ASFL and can appropriately advise you in this area.

2. If your Fund has sufficient monies, it can buy in your SMSF and commercial property outright

Or we can arrange for additional contributions to be contributed to help ensure there are sufficient funds.

3. The fund can in some circumstances acquire a commercial property in partnership with yourself or others providing there is no borrowing attached.

Arm’s length dealings

Once you have purchased or transferred the property into the Fund, then you must ensure that you put a commercial lease in place. This is important for both external parties or yourself if you’re running to get back to yourself at a market rental. Importantly once in place, you must ensure rental payments are made per the lease agreement. Failure to do so may make the Fund non-complying.

The property holding Strategy

It comes down to strategy when working out if SMSF and commercial property is the right mix.

Often overlooked is the fact that property and improvements can only be done from cash from the Fund and cannot be done from borrowing, and this should be factored in from the outset
Your SMSF Property strategy should include a :

  • Vision for the long-term use of the property
  • How the Fund will pay any shortfall if monies borrowed
  • What happens if the business owner dies
  • If your business is sold, do you rent out or sell the property

Any property sold in a retirement strategy may result in low or no tax payable depending upon the strategy adopted.

We recommend you seek proper advice and the information we have provided is of general nature only

Downsizer contribution eligibility to be lowered to age 55

The downsizer contribution is an after-tax contribution. Therefore when it hits your SMSF or super fund, no tax is payable on the way in. It also means upon retirement, and it can be paid as a benefit. A benefit that is returned tax-free when you withdraw the funds from your SMSF

Legislation passed

Last week parliament passed legislation, resulting in the downsizer contribution to allow house owners over the age of 55 to access this strategy. The lowering to age 55 is expected date for the enactment would be later this year (2022)

Downsizer contributions help you to increase your super balance. The downsized strategy a great way to catch up on lost retirement savings and grow your retirement nest.

Do you qualify to meet the downsized contribution strategy?

Per the ATO there are some of the eligibility criteria you must satisfy are:
• The home must be in Australia, have been owned by you or your spouse for at least ten years, and the disposal must be exempt or partially exempt from capital gains tax (CGT).
• You have not previously made a downsizer contribution to your super from selling another home or from the part sale of your home.
• Before (or at the same time) making your contribution, you must provide your fund with the ‘Downsizer contributions into super form.’

The downsizer contribution strategy can work for many who meet the downsizer criteria. It means your investments can grow in a protected environment at a low or upon retirement in the pension phase with no tax environment. This, together with other strategies, can form part of your retirement strategies.

Talk to Geoff, who specialises in SMSF advice and small business exit strategies to help businesses transition from business to enjoyment by unlocking their wealth from large family homes and businesses.

SMSF Trustee

Acting as an SMSF Trustee and incapacity!

SMSF Trustee role needs to be considered in your Estate planning

Your role as an SMSF Trustee and incapacity are crucial to consider in running an SMSF. Have you thought about what happens when something goes wrong, and you run an SMSF?

Control is one of the main reasons many establish an SMSF. As an SMSF Trustee, you can control your own SMSF. You can control how the Funds investments and the strategy on how and where. What happens if you can’t do it anymore?

What happens if things go wrong?

One day, you may not be able to meet your SMSF Trustee responsibilities. This can happen due to a loss of control or incapacity might be due to an accident, illness or death. But, in most cases, it will unexpectedly leave you with ongoing financial matters for your that need resolving unless you have done some forward planning.

Under the SMSF legislation, a person with a legal disability (including mental incapacity) cannot be a trustee or an SMSF.

Incapacity as an SMSF Trustee

When you are not able to act as a Trustee, someone else must step in on your behalf. They basically act as an SMSF Trustee in your capacity. Your incapacity results in you having to relinquish control of your Trustee role. When appointing someone to act on your behalf make sure the decision is based on Trust. Trust that the person who steps in understands and acts on your wishes and needs.

We also point out that for ease of SMSF Trustee appointment, we recommend that the structure of your SMSF includes a Corporate Trustee rather than individual trustees.

Seek legal help that gets it right!

Your health and financial welfare are paramount for more information read our blog on Estate Planning.

It’s a great reason you need an adequately prepared and executed Will. Have you made an Enduring Power of Attorney( EPOA)? Preparing an EPOA (enduring power of attorney )will assist you in both ensuring someone can step in and continue sorting out your financial affairs. They can then step in and manage your SMSF.

 If you become incapacitated, they will undoubtedly have to set up in your shoes as an SMSF Trustee. Therefore choosing the wrong person or no person can result in your wishes not being adhered to. Or worst still, someone appointed as your replacement  SMSF  Trustee with the wrong intentions.

It’s essential that you choose wisely and that this person is someone you trust and has the financial ability to make the right decisions. Make sure you discuss their role and support this by considering executing Binding Death Nominations in the SMSF.

Reversionary pensions for those in pension mode are a great tool to enable the pension to be transferred to your partner upon death.

Now is the time to Act – not when incapacity strikes

 Implementing tools in the case of incapacity as an SMSF Trustee will also issue some clarity of your estate planning wishes.

Thinking ahead and planning means if and when things don’t go as planned, you have a well-thought-out plan that will ensure your estate and any assets are dealt with your wishes.