Business social media platforms

By |2024-09-23T18:59:32+10:0013/06/2024|Categories: Blog, Business growth, News for you|Tags: |

Which Social Media Platforms Should Your Business Use? As part of your growth and marketing strategy, you need to get your business noticed on business social media platforms. With more than half the world on social media, no business can ignore the importance of being online. Social media strengthens your connection to your target audience, builds a better brand reputation, and opens the door for new sales. Of course, it’s worth noting that there are a lot of social media platforms out there – and not all of them will be relevant to your company. Being successful with social media marketing [...] READ MORE

Turn Your Small Business Goals & Dreams into Achievements!

By |2024-09-23T19:01:17+10:0017/05/2024|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: |

To make small business Goals, Write them down and make them happen. Are you a small business owner with big aspirations? I am, too, but when I set my business goals, they were so secret that I couldn’t remember them. Sharing your goals can only happen if they go from head to paper. It’s time to step beyond daydreaming and take decisive action. By writing down your goals and committing to a clear plan, you’re not just setting a course for your business but taking control of its destiny. This act of empowerment can transform your business from surviving to [...] READ MORE

Proactive tax planning Accountant help

By |2024-04-07T12:10:31+10:0007/04/2024|Categories: Blog, Business growth, Services accounting for small business, Taxation|Tags: , , |

Working with a proactive tax planning accountant can deliver great tax-saving results. Small business tax planning is crucial for managing your finances effectively. You should implement smart tax strategies. That's why our clients like working with a proactive tax planning accountant. We can help you to maximise your savings, reduce tax liability, and improve your financial position. Proactively planning your taxes will help you legally minimise the tax you owe and optimise your financial resources.Effective tax planning helps you manage cash flow more efficiently. By understanding your tax obligations in advance, you can plan for upcoming expenses and ensure sufficient [...] READ MORE

How To Maximize Your Profit for Your Business

By |2024-03-12T22:36:19+11:0012/03/2024|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

To maximize your profit is not that hard. It would be best if you focused on a few changes in your business. Running a business allows your creativity to thrive. You are in charge and can make decisions that push you out of your comfort zone. Making a profit is one of the most important business operations.When you make more than you spend, you are technically making a profit. Even a small profit is worth celebrating, so look at our short guide on maximizing your profit when running a business. How to maximize your profit and run a successful business [...] READ MORE

Super Contribution Caps 2024-25

By |2024-09-23T19:20:52+10:0023/02/2024|Categories: Blog, SMSF|Tags: , |

Good news for the Super contribution caps 2024-25 have been released. The government has announced that from 1 July 2024, the standard  superannuation concessional contribution cap will increase from $27,500 to $30,000 Concessional superannuation contributions are any contributions paid into your superannuation that receive a concessional (or lower) tax rate. These contributions are contributed from earnings that have not yet been taxed. Concessional contributions are sometimes referred to as before-tax contributions. Of course, in some circumstances, you may be able to contribute more in that year than the cap. Use the carry-forward rule if your super balance is less than [...] READ MORE

Divorce and your Business

By |2024-02-23T14:45:08+11:0022/02/2024|Categories: Blog, Dispute management, Estate Planning|Tags: , , |

Navigating the Challenges and Moving Forward Divorce and your business. It can be a difficult and emotionally challenging process, and when a small business is involved, it adds another layer of complexity. A failed marriage may not directly cause a business to fail; it can significantly impact the business. Let's explore where husband and wife work daily together in the business and where the wheels fall of the marriage. The intersection of personal and professional lives can create unique challenges for couples who decide to end their marriage while still running a business together. According to the website, it [...] READ MORE

Why Managing Your Profit Margin is Crucial for Business Success

By |2024-02-21T11:59:23+11:0021/02/2024|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

Profit Margin vs Markup can be calculated and result in different outcomes  Profit margin and markup are separate accounting terms that use the same inputs and analyze the same transaction yet show different information.  Both profit margin and markup use Revenue and costs as part of their calculations. The main difference between the two is that a profit margin refers to sales minus the fee of goods sold, while markup is the amount by which the cost of good increases to get to the final selling price. Profit Margin needs to be healthy Understanding these two terms can help ensure that price setting is [...] READ MORE

Selling my commercial business property!

By |2024-02-12T16:09:36+11:0010/01/2024|Categories: Blog, Exit Planning, Services accounting for small business, SMSF|Tags: , , |

How do I sell my commercial business property? When selling your business, your business operations and HQ are an essential and strategic part of your business. Most businesses operate from a premise of some sort, so when it comes to exit planning, your decisions on what to do with your business premises is equally important as one of the essential items that require serious discussion and planning. When it comes to planning, the first thing to do is to review how and what you use your office, factory shop, etc., as part of the business on a day-to-day basis. For [...] READ MORE

Cashflow planning for small business during the holiday season

By |2024-02-12T16:50:35+11:0010/12/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

The holiday season brings joy and celebration, but for small businesses, it can also bring challenges when it comes to cashflow planning Cashflow, the lifeblood of any business. Cashflow is even more crucial during this period. Small businesses are starting to experience delayed payments, reduced sales, and increased expenses due to safety measures and additional costs associated with remote work or implementing safety protocols. The holiday season brings slow down and couple with higher interest rates the economy is changingTo address these challenges, small business owners must adopt proactive cash flow management strategies. Between now and the 15th of January [...] READ MORE

Customer Retention Engagement Strategies

By |2024-02-19T13:06:35+11:0010/11/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

???? Customer Retention Engagement Strategies . Lets explore Unlocking the Secret to Keeping Your Customers Engaged in a competitive market ???????? Small businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in today's competitive market. With rising interest rates and soaring fuel costs, it's more important than ever to focus on customer retention strategies that will keep your business thriving. With another interest rate just hitting small businesses we need to start to put strategies in place as we progress into 2024. Ideas to start customer engagement ???? But how do you keep your customers engaged in times of uncertainty and into 2024? Let's [...] READ MORE

Passion and increase business profit

By |2024-09-27T15:42:47+10:0027/09/2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

Increase your business profits by building a Business You Love, and a Business With Purpose: 7 Steps To Help You Find Your Passion and Increase Business Profits Creating a business you love is not something that can be done overnight. It requires a lot of introspection, creativity and planning. You can do many small things to ensure your business has a purpose and aligns with your values. The key lies in breaking the cycle of doing things just for the sake of it. Instead, create an atmosphere where you’re building a business for its pure joy. The rewards will follow [...] READ MORE

Recording obsolete stock in your accounting system

By |2024-02-19T14:00:00+11:0003/07/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , , |

Identifying and recording obsolete trading stock write-offs for a small business involves several steps. Its that time of year, when you should undertake you annual stock take. We suggest to be practical in your approach. Use scales and estimates for small items such as screws , widgets and small items. A practical approach - obsolete items. Here's a general guide on how to approach this process: Identify the stock items: Begin by reviewing your inventory records and identifying any old trading stock that needs to be written off. Look for items that are damaged, expired, obsolete, or unsellable due to [...] READ MORE

Are you inadvertently sabotaging your small business?

By |2023-06-19T15:49:23+10:0019/06/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

Sabotaging your business can happen in several ways. It's a silent killer of businesses for growth and success. It's like wood termites that infiltrates behind the framework of your home as a result when finally uncovered it results disastrously. Where on the surface, a business can look amazing. Sillly things people do can turn a business into a disaster. So are you quietly sabotaging your business? The other day I visited a modern-looking café. At the cafe the staff allocated me a table. However they failed to clean it resulting in us having to move the dirty dishes of ourselves. [...] READ MORE

How can I make my small business successfull?

By |2024-09-23T22:00:07+10:0008/04/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

How can I make my small business successful is something all business owners strive to do. The road to success is not always smooth, and there are obstacles to overcome. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can achieve your goals and thrive in today's competitive marketplace. In this article, we'll explore some key tips and tactics that can help you take your small business to the next level. From defining your niche and target audience to creating a strong brand and building a solid online presence, we'll cover everything you need to know to make your small business [...] READ MORE

Should I Pay a Dividend from my company or Keep the Profits in My Company?

By |2023-07-06T05:50:43+10:0001/04/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth, Services accounting for small business|Tags: , , |

‍ Dividend vs keeping the profits in retained earnings Should I pay a dividend from my company? When it comes to running a successful business, one of the most important decisions you'll have to make is what to do with your profits. Should you pay a dividend to yourself as the business owner, or reinvest the money back into the company? It's a question that many business owners struggle with, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. We argue that paying dividends is a great way to reward the owners. Others believe that reinvesting profits is the key to long-term growth and [...] READ MORE

A Simple Business plan that works

By |2023-04-08T11:22:59+10:0025/03/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , , |

Unveiling the Power of a simple Business Plan for small business is Your Blueprint to Success A Simple business plan for small business helps you dream big! Are you an entrepreneur or business owner aiming to achieve success in your ventures? Do you find yourself constantly facing setbacks and challenges that just make it a little harder hinder your growth? The solution is in the power of a well-crafted simple business plan that kicks goals. A small business action plan is a blueprint that outlines your goals, strategies, and tactics to achieve success. It is your roadmap to success and [...] READ MORE

Cost reduction and Maximizing Profit in Your Business

By |2024-02-19T15:39:40+11:0008/02/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

Cost reduction by reducing expenses means great profits, right or wrong? What is Cost Reduction & Why Is It Important for Business Owners? Cost reduction is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. It can help businesses save money and increase their profits. But doing it correctly will achieve great results for your bottom line. Expenses slashed for the sake of it may be detrimental. As a business owner, you need to be aware of different cost reduction strategies and how they can help you achieve your goals. By understanding the basics of cost reduction, you [...] READ MORE

Sales tools for small business

By |2024-02-19T15:48:16+11:0003/12/2022|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

Effective Sales Tools for the small business smart checklistDo you use tools that help grow sales in your business? Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Yet how many of us have had training in closing a sales deal as small business owner? With a new year about to start, it’s time to review your sales process and help your business grow. Set a budget that you and the team can aim for in 2023 Working with your customer The art of selling is to focus on the prosperity and happiness of your customers! “Don’t bother telling the world you [...] READ MORE

Should I be running my business as a partnership

By |2024-02-19T15:50:57+11:0018/11/2022|Categories: Blog, Taxation|Tags: , , |

Running my business as a Partnership or as a sole trader you need to tread carefully.These simple entities are popular, as they are easy to set up. They are also simple to manage and have fewer complications than that of a company or a family trust, making reporting easy to prepare.However, they are most suited to businesses operated by family members, individuals or those working on a small scale. Partners in crime - mates dont always make good business partners It's worth noting that a partnership can be between people, trusts or companies. A sole trader is just you.The danger [...] READ MORE

Small business cashflow

By |2024-02-19T16:42:25+11:0026/07/2022|Categories: Blog, Business growth, Services accounting for small business|Tags: , |

Small business cashflow is so important. This is highlighted in this week's Accoutantsdaily article about cash flow. What's highlighted is an enormous gap for many small businesses. The last 2 years have highlighted major issues for small businesses and cash flow is one on top of the list. Small businesses have been plagued by closures and staff absenteeism due to Covid. This can account for why some businesses' cash flow is facing an uphill battle in recovery. But there is also a fundament lack of planning by some small businesses. Not knowing where you going is like a hose that [...] READ MORE

Local manufacturing

By |2022-06-03T02:44:10+10:0003/06/2022|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

Local manufacturing businesses based in the South East area in Melbourne such as Moorabbin and areas such as Currum Downes and Seaford can take advantage of bringing forward tax incentives to help their manufacturing business. Helping local manufacturing businesses Gartly Advisory are Melbourne Accountants based in Ormond. We love servicing manufacturing businesses. Our advice to the manufacturing businesses is that we help is to take advantage of these incentives. Modernise your systems and save tax! Manufacturing, like every business experiences growth and also tough times. We have seen that those businesses that chose to invest in new equipment and technology [...] READ MORE

Weekly Newsletter March 31st

By |2022-03-31T07:16:00+11:0031/03/2022|Categories: Blog, News for you|Tags: , , |

The Federal Budget 2022 Here is our quick summary of the Federal Budget handed down on Tuesday. The Budget focused on keeping business and the economy going during uncertain times. It would be also be drafted with a focus on the following Federal Elellection due soon. Media reports indicate that if there is a change of Government, the ALP will publish a newly revised budget in July or August this year, which may not result in all initiatives etc., being fulfilled or modified. Here are the critical points that we believe will impact our clients:• 120 % tax deductions for [...] READ MORE

New business startup what to do!

By |2024-02-27T15:32:09+11:0030/01/2022|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , , |

Starting out in a new business and being your small business startup journey I remember many years ago how exciting it was to begin the small business journey. It has been a journey twenty years later that's is full of ups and downs, fun and pain and plenty of laughs. Twenty years in and I have no regrets. In fact, anyone that can do it, should. Yes like all of us I have made some dumb decisions but I don't have any regrets? No way, in fact, I have also made some good decisions too. There have been a lot [...] READ MORE

What happens to my business when I die?

By |2024-02-27T15:44:12+11:0029/01/2022|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning|Tags: , , |

When I die what happens to my business and my affairs? Will my business continue or just stop? If you were running as a sole trader and you die, in most cases, your legal personal representative will step in . It is their role to manage your business. They can assess if the business needs to be wound up, sold or transferred to a beneficiary. Your business asset forms part of the assets of the estate. Therefore legally executed will , can help give certainty to your wishes. Many clients are unsure of the process of what happens once they [...] READ MORE

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