Startup mindset shifts for small business!

By |2023-10-27T08:40:29+11:0027/10/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth, News for you|Tags: |

5 Startup Mindset Shifts You Must Make as you launch your New Business.Starting out. Grab that winning mindset from day one to conquer challenges and thrive in the competitive business world. Starting a new business is an exhilarating experience requiring a unique mindset. Business owners are like modern-day supermen/women, equipped with the determination and courage to face any challenge head-on. The excitement of embarking on a new small business venture is unparalleled, as the possibilities are endless, and the potential for success is immense. Get the right startup mindset from day one! With the right startup mindset, you as a [...] READ MORE

Can I Live in SMSF Residential Property upon Retirement?

By |2023-11-20T16:46:31+11:0008/10/2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Can you live in SMSF residential property held by your Fund?" No not directly, but follow the rules at retirement, and it may be possible. As you retire, retirement planning opens up opportunities for living and the next stage for your SMSF, your lifestyle and your needs. An SMSF is established for the sole purpose of meeting your retirement objectives. And this is the overal objective of holding any assets in the Fund! Retirement planning involves planning and managing your assets into the senior years of your life. Opportunities arise as clients look at the strategies such as the downsized [...] READ MORE

October 2023 – Client Newsletter

By |2023-10-06T12:35:55+11:0006/10/2023|Categories: Blog, Services accounting for small business, Taxation|Tags: , , , , , |

Our Client Newsletter this month includes articles about: Property development – recent Federal Court decision Small Business skills and training boost CGT Small Business concession Post-tax personal Super contributions - benefits Click here to download our October Newsletter Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

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