Customer Retention Engagement Strategies

By |2024-02-19T13:06:35+11:0010/11/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

???? Customer Retention Engagement Strategies . Lets explore Unlocking the Secret to Keeping Your Customers Engaged in a competitive market ???????? Small businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in today's competitive market. With rising interest rates and soaring fuel costs, it's more important than ever to focus on customer retention strategies that will keep your business thriving. With another interest rate just hitting small businesses we need to start to put strategies in place as we progress into 2024. Ideas to start customer engagement ???? But how do you keep your customers engaged in times of uncertainty and into 2024? Let's [...] READ MORE

Recording obsolete stock in your accounting system

By |2024-02-19T14:00:00+11:0003/07/2023|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , , |

Identifying and recording obsolete trading stock write-offs for a small business involves several steps. Its that time of year, when you should undertake you annual stock take. We suggest to be practical in your approach. Use scales and estimates for small items such as screws , widgets and small items. A practical approach - obsolete items. Here's a general guide on how to approach this process: Identify the stock items: Begin by reviewing your inventory records and identifying any old trading stock that needs to be written off. Look for items that are damaged, expired, obsolete, or unsellable due to [...] READ MORE

Sales tools for small business

By |2024-02-19T15:48:16+11:0003/12/2022|Categories: Blog, Business growth|Tags: , |

Effective Sales Tools for the small business smart checklistDo you use tools that help grow sales in your business? Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Yet how many of us have had training in closing a sales deal as small business owner? With a new year about to start, it’s time to review your sales process and help your business grow. Set a budget that you and the team can aim for in 2023 Working with your customer The art of selling is to focus on the prosperity and happiness of your customers! “Don’t bother telling the world you [...] READ MORE

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