
sales tools

Customer Retention Engagement Strategies

🔒 Customer Retention Engagement Strategies . Lets explore Unlocking the Secret to Keeping Your Customers Engaged in a competitive market 🔒

🚀 Small businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s competitive market. With rising interest rates and soaring fuel costs, it’s more important than ever to focus on customer retention strategies that will keep your business thriving. With another interest rate just hitting small businesses we need to start to put strategies in place as we progress into 2024.

Ideas to start customer engagement

💡 But how do you keep your customers engaged in times of uncertainty and into 2024? Let’s explore some actionable steps that can help you strengthen your bond with customers and boost your bottom line.

1️⃣ Show Genuine Appreciation: 💙 Take the time to show your customers that you genuinely appreciate their business. Personalized thank-you messages, exclusive discounts, and surprise gifts can go a long way in making them feel valued and important.

2️⃣ Stay Connected: 📲 In today’s digital age, staying connected with your customers is easier than ever. Utilize social media platforms, email newsletters, and customer loyalty programs to keep them engaged and informed about your latest offerings and updates.

3️⃣ Offer Exceptional Customer Service: 🌟 In a competitive market, outstanding customer service is a game-changer. Go above and beyond to resolve any issues promptly, listen to their feedback, and provide personalized solutions. Remember, happy customers are more likely to spread positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

4️⃣ Tailor Your Offerings: 🛍️ Understanding your customers’ needs and preferences is crucial. Regularly analyze their buying patterns and tailor your products or services to meet their evolving demands. This shows that you value their feedback and are committed to providing them with the best possible experience.

5️⃣ Create a Sense of Community: 🤝 Build a community around your brand by organizing events, webinars, or online forums where customers can share their experiences and engage with each other. This not only fosters a sense of loyalty but also provides valuable insights into their needs and desires.

Take action and make it happen

💥 Remember, customer retention is not just about keeping your existing customers happy; it’s about turning them into brand advocates who will spread the word and bring in new business. sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the impact of businesses on the environment and society. Small businesses just as big business does need to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. They can do this by showing their corporate social responsibility by implementing eco-friendly practices, reducing waste, and supporting local communities. Failure to do so could result in reputational damage and loss of customer loyalty.

Let’s navigate these challenging times together by implementing customer retention strategies that work By showing genuine appreciation, staying connected, providing exceptional service, tailoring your offerings, and creating a sense of community, you’ll position your small business for long-term success.

So now you have read this, what are you going to do to keep clients happy in 2024? Act today , set a sales target to enable you to achieve your results in 2024.

📢 Share this post to help other small businesses thrive in a competitive market. Let’s empower each other to overcome challenges and celebrate the power of customer loyalty! 🙌

Need an accountant who can help talk to Geoff and his team we understand small business

#CustomerRetentionStrategies #SmallBusinessSuccess #EngagedCustomers #BusinessGrowth #ThrivingInACompetitiveMarket

Recording obsolete stock in your accounting system

Identifying and recording obsolete trading stock write-offs for a small business involves several steps.

Its that time of year, when you should undertake you annual stock take. We suggest to be practical in your approach. Use scales and estimates for small items such as screws , widgets and small items.

A practical approach – obsolete items.

Here’s a general guide on how to approach this process:

  1. Identify the stock items: Begin by reviewing your inventory records and identifying any old trading stock that needs to be written off. Look for items that are damaged, expired, obsolete, or unsellable due to other reasons.
  2. When doing a stocktake, use round stickers (i.e. red dots) or straws to identify those items that you have counted.
  3. Assess the value: Determine the value of the stock items that need to be written off. This can be done by assessing their original purchase cost, current market value (if applicable), or any other relevant valuation method.
  4. Document the write-off: Maintain proper documentation for the write-off. This should include details such as the date, description, quantity, unit cost, and total value of the stock items being written off. Store this information for future reference, especially for tax and audit purposes.
  5. Update inventory records: Adjust your inventory records to reflect the write-off. This helps ensure accurate reporting and tracking of your remaining stock items.
  6. Tax considerations: See Geoff and his team

Remember, if need help contact us .

You should combine your stocktake with a sales budget that should be done for coming year

Once you have undertaken your list let us know and we will help you record it in your accounting system. Happy new financial year.

Sales tools for small business

Effective Sales Tools for the small business smart checklist

Do you use tools that help grow sales in your business? Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Yet how many of us have had training in closing a sales deal as small business owner? With a new year about to start, it’s time to review your sales process and help your business grow.

Set a budget that you and the team can aim for in 2023

Working with your customer

The art of selling is to focus on the prosperity and happiness of your customers!

Don’t bother telling the world you are ready. Show it. Do it.” – Peter Dinklage

Setting up an effective CRM system lets you manage your customers and their relationship with you. Are your customers frequent users of your business that need weekly or monthly sales follow-ups? Not only about purchasing but post-sale follow-ups. These measures all drive sales. You can plan as sales intelligence allows you to understand your customer’s future needs.

For more information about factors like occupancy rates etc, see our other article keeping customers coming back.

The more touch points you have with a customer, the more chances they will remain with you. The longer they remain with you, the more valuable they become, leading to business value. Business value is what will deliver you business freedom

Take a moment and ask yourself how much in terms of revenue my business has done:
– For This week
– For This year
– Compared to this time last year

Are you having the best year ever? Are you monitoring these vital statistics?

After you have addressed these vital questions, now look at the trends. Data in your accounting system is your friend. Look at:
– Trends of turnover
– Forward orders
– What sells when, how and why
– What doesn’t generate a large margin
– What stock gathers dust, and why

So your XERO, Quickbooks or MYOB will be able to produce some of these valuable sales reports. Accountants like us can help you work out what is profitable and what should become a runt or no longer stocked product or service.

Your sales department should be focused machine on the yearly budget. What I hear you say “ I don’t have a sales department “ If you don’t, then adopt one, even if is you.

Your sales checklist to create effective sales tools

Check if any of the statements apply to you.

  • I do not waste time training people who are not trainable in sales.
  • I manage the company’s daily sales quota.
  • I always keep sales brochures available for potential customers.
  • I keep a written copy on just in case.
  • I know how to close a sale so that the customer benefits and I make money.
  • The company supports my sales effort wholeheartedly from concept to close.
  • I have a multifaceted system of referrals and word-of-mouth.
  • I am fully aware of what customers need and want and adapt to them.
  • I keep sales and marketing costs low, even if it means lost sales from time to time.
  • I make my appearance, company, and product as attractive as possible.
  • I create focus groups and record responses and reactions for my evolving action plan.
  • I involve every staff member in various aspects of strategy development, allowing each the opportunity to contribute.

Look at where you are taking your business’s sales.

In small businesses, effort = reward. Small leads to large, and smart sales plans lead to profit and adding value to your business.

Ignore your accounting system at your own peril. Make sure you monitor your sales, follow the trends and focus on the end game. A healthy sales result for 2023!