Do I need an SMSF Trustee succession plan?

By |2024-03-17T22:00:53+11:0017/03/2024|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning, SMSF|Tags: , , |

Creating a robust SMSF trustee succession plan is critical for Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) managed by aging trustees. An effective succession plan ensures the smooth transition of control and management of the SMSF when the original trustees are no longer able or willing to manage the fund due to age, health, or other reasons. A trustee succession plan must encompass preparation, clear communication, and legal compliance. Understanding SMSF Trustee Succession SMSF trustee succession plan involves preparing for the future management of the SMSF, ensuring it continues to operate effectively and complies with Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act) requirements. [...] READ MORE

Estate planning and documenting your future.

By |2024-02-20T16:36:05+11:0031/03/2022|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning|Tags: , |

Estate planning for the living! Many of us go through life not thinking about the end. Many often think do I need a will? Many don’t bother! We start life naked with nothing and we end up leaving an imprint on this earth that others must follow. Telling others how you want what you have accumulated in life is important Wills establish wishes after death and are essential for estate planning The chances are that you may have wishes about who gets the large loot of assets and possessions. These assets you have accumulated in your lifetime. Or you may [...] READ MORE

What happens to my business when I die?

By |2024-02-27T15:44:12+11:0029/01/2022|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning|Tags: , , |

When I die what happens to my business and my affairs? Will my business continue or just stop? If you were running as a sole trader and you die, in most cases, your legal personal representative will step in . It is their role to manage your business. They can assess if the business needs to be wound up, sold or transferred to a beneficiary. Your business asset forms part of the assets of the estate. Therefore legally executed will , can help give certainty to your wishes. Many clients are unsure of the process of what happens once they [...] READ MORE

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