SMSF for Property development ventures and your SMSF

By |2024-02-13T17:31:03+11:0030/01/2024|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning, SMSF|Tags: , |

SMSF for Property development undertaken by an SMSF can be undertaken. We however strongly recommend seeking advice.ATO has issued a warning about relates to the use of SMSFs to invest in property development in a manner that inflates the profits earned by the SMFSs when compared to the capital the SMSF commits to the venture. Can my SMSF invest in a property development? An SMSF can as part of its investment strategy invest in property ventures. This is provided the investments are entered into on a genuine arm’s-length basis. As trustees, you should document your strategy including a risk analysis [...] READ MORE

Understanding Superannuation Death Benefits

By |2024-02-19T13:02:41+11:0012/11/2023|Categories: Estate Planning, SMSF, Taxation|Tags: , , |

Superannuation Death benefits are an estate planning matter that is a crucial aspect of financial planning.It is essential to consider what happens to superannuation upon death.Understanding the intricate system of superannuation death benefits is essential for effective financial planning and ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of. When a superannuation member dies, the remaining balance in their super fund and any associated insurance payouts are generally paid out as a superannuation death benefit. This benefit is intended to provide financial support to the deceased member's beneficiaries, including their spouse or partner, children, or other dependents. However, the distribution [...] READ MORE

November 2023 – Client Newsletter

By |2023-11-03T14:25:03+11:0003/11/2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the November edition of the Client Newsletter we delve into the intricacies of nominating a superannuation beneficiary, examining the various types of nominations and the legal requirements they must meet. Additionally, we tackle the complexity of tax residency in Australia. As the recent AAT case reveals, citizenship is not the sole determining factor; other elements, including double tax agreements, are pivotal to consider. This edition also introduces you to the prospective Energy Incentive, offering a bonus tax deduction aimed at enhancing energy efficiency within your business. Qualifying as an interdependent or financial dependant is another topic we explore, shedding [...] READ MORE

Can I Live in SMSF Residential Property upon Retirement?

By |2023-11-20T16:46:31+11:0008/10/2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Can you live in SMSF residential property held by your Fund?" No not directly, but follow the rules at retirement, and it may be possible. As you retire, retirement planning opens up opportunities for living and the next stage for your SMSF, your lifestyle and your needs. An SMSF is established for the sole purpose of meeting your retirement objectives. And this is the overal objective of holding any assets in the Fund! Retirement planning involves planning and managing your assets into the senior years of your life. Opportunities arise as clients look at the strategies such as the downsized [...] READ MORE

Estate Planning and SMSF : Leveraging the Power of SMSF

By |2024-02-19T15:17:18+11:0029/04/2023|Categories: Blog, Estate Planning|Tags: , |

Estate planning and SMSF can play a large role when it comes to Estate planning, which is an often-overlooked aspect of financial planning when executing your Will, superannuation, and wishes. Estate planning determines how your assets will be distributed once you pass away. However, estate planning can be complicated and overwhelming, which is why Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) have become popular. SMSFs are a powerful tool for estate planning and managing your retirement savings.Whether you're new to estate planning or simply looking for a more efficient way to manage your assets, leveraging the power of SMSF can help you achieve [...] READ MORE

Downsizer contribution eligibility to be lowered to age 55

By |2024-02-19T16:28:18+11:0008/08/2022|Categories: Estate Planning, News for you, SMSF|Tags: , , |

The downsizer contribution is an after-tax contribution. Therefore when it hits your SMSF or super fund, no tax is payable on the way in. It also means upon retirement, and it can be paid as a benefit. A benefit that is returned tax-free when you withdraw the funds from your SMSF Legislation passed Last week parliament passed legislation, resulting in the downsizer contribution to allow house owners over the age of 55 to access this strategy. The lowering to age 55 is expected date for the enactment would be later this year (2022) Downsizer contributions help you to increase your [...] READ MORE

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