Downsizer contribution eligibility to be lowered to age 55

By |2024-02-19T16:28:18+11:0008/08/2022|Categories: Estate Planning, News for you, SMSF|Tags: , , |

The downsizer contribution is an after-tax contribution. Therefore when it hits your SMSF or super fund, no tax is payable on the way in. It also means upon retirement, and it can be paid as a benefit. A benefit that is returned tax-free when you withdraw the funds from your SMSF Legislation passed Last week parliament passed legislation, resulting in the downsizer contribution to allow house owners over the age of 55 to access this strategy. The lowering to age 55 is expected date for the enactment would be later this year (2022) Downsizer contributions help you to increase your [...] READ MORE