
Vicki Gartly

July 2024 Newsletter

  • Division 293 tax – will you be caught?
  • The fine line between property development and “merely realising an asset”
  • The CGT main residence exemption concessions are very useful 
  • The secret life of TFNs
  • Can I add to my super pension?

May 2024 Tax planning Newsletter

Click here to download our Tax Planning Newsletter

We hope this edition provides you with valuable insights and practical advice for tax saving strategies as the 2024 financial year comes to a close.

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

December 2023 – Client Newsletter

Click here to download our December Newsletter

Superannuation remains a cornerstone of financial planning for most Australians. In this issue, we provide you with a practical to-do list to make sure that your super is working optimally for you. This to-do list includes consolidating your super, reviewing your investment strategy, checking your beneficiary nominations and insurance within your superannuation. Undertaking these tasks can significantly impact your long-term financial health and security and will be crucial for ensuring your retirement savings are working effectively for you.

Tax challenges can arise in unexpected ways, such as dealing with lost or destroyed records. We provide guidance on how to navigate missing records to ensure compliance and accuracy in your tax affairs.

In this issue we also provide the latest values for goods taken for private use, and note that lesser or greater values may be used if you provide the evidence for your valuation.

We provide insights into how you can actually have two “main residences” for Capital Gains Tax purposes – but this is a complex area and there are many conditions which must be met. Let us know if you need help with this issue.

We alert you to the ATO’s more robust approach to tax debts, the particular areas on which they are focused, and ways in which you can in certain instances restructure your debt. 

Lastly, we look at the taxation of superannuation death benefits. There is much you can do to ensure that your beneficiaries will not pay tax on your death benefits. A vital task is to ensure that your beneficiary is a “tax dependant” and we explain what this means.

We hope this edition provides you with valuable insights and practical advice. 

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

November 2023 – Client Newsletter

In the November edition of the Client Newsletter we delve into the intricacies of nominating a superannuation beneficiary, examining the various types of nominations and the legal requirements they must meet.

Additionally, we tackle the complexity of tax residency in Australia. As the recent AAT case reveals, citizenship is not the sole determining factor; other elements, including double tax agreements, are pivotal to consider.

This edition also introduces you to the prospective Energy Incentive, offering a bonus tax deduction aimed at enhancing energy efficiency within your business.

Qualifying as an interdependent or financial dependant is another topic we explore, shedding light on how to ensure potential beneficiaries receive a death benefit.

Click here to download our November Newsletter

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

October 2023 – Client Newsletter

Our Client Newsletter this month includes articles about:

  • Property development – recent Federal Court decision
  • Small Business skills and training boost
  • CGT Small Business concession
  • Post-tax personal Super contributions – benefits

Click here to download our October Newsletter

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

September 2023 – Client Newsletter

Our September Newsletter has some interesting reading, find out about:

  • Trademarks and intellectual property
  • Can I claim my caravan for business?
  • SMSFs being targeted by schemes
  • CGT discount – what is it?
  • Self Education deductions

Click here to download our September Newsletter

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

August 2023 – Client Newsletter

Enjoy the read! This month our newsletter contains tax issues such as:

  • Tax debt & why do I have one?
  • Gifting to employees – is this FBT?
  • R&D – the basics
  • Super withdrawals – what are my options?
  • Should I have a Family Trust?

Click here to download our August Newsletter

Contact us on 03 9597 9966 if you have any questions relating to matters raised in any of our Client Newsletters.

July 2023 – Client Newsletter

As we start the New Financial Year, this month our newsletter contains topics including:

  • Small Business Lodgement Amnesty
  • Is it time to restructure my Business?
  • SGC increase to 11% for Employers to pay
  • Work-related car expenses updated

Click here to download our July Newsletter

June 2023 – Client Newsletter

As we end this Financial Year, this month our newsletter contains topics including:

  • Tax Planning strategies at year end for Small Business
  • SMSF Client Webinar
  • Work related deductions
  • Rental property deductions
  • Seniors Health Card
  • Hobbies and tax
  • Maximising cashflow

Click here to download Newsletter

Budget Edition Newsletter  – May 2023

Enjoy our Federal Budget summary Newsletter which includes:

  • Superannuation is to be paid with wages – starting from 2026
  • Instant asset write-off, down to $20k
  • GDP adjustment factor
  • Superfund non-arms length expenditure review new rules
  • ATO compliance program – more strength to collect taxes and keep you on your toes
  • Some free tickets for non-lodgers of returns in getting their taxes up to date with some penalties waived
  • New taxes with large superannuation balances

Take a look at our Newsletter here

Reach out to us if you need clarification on any budget matters.

May budget month

May 2023 – Gartly Newsletter

Enjoy the read! This month our newsletter contains tax issues such as:

  • Temporary Full Expensing ceases in July
  • Federal Budget – what to expect
  • Latest developments in Trust distribution
  • SMSF changes from July 2023
  • Which option to finance my new car?

Click here to download Newsletter

April 2023 – Gartly Newsletter

Welcome to our April 2023 Newsletter. Our newsletter this month contains tax issues such as :

  • Clarity on Trust Distributions
  • the new rules on $3m Super balances
  • Electric cars exempt from FBT
  • How to Spot a Crypto Scam
  • GST Audits and How to avoid them
  • How to find lost Super

Press here to access our latest newsletter